Git workflow

Here you can see the basics workflow for git
After cloning your repo from any git platform provider Like github, gitlab, bitbucket etc… .
Firstly check branch:
git branch
(your base branch, most likely develop or master. Consider develop as a base branch)
Fetch latest remote code to local:
git pull
(for latest develop code)
Checkout new branch as per feature and
git checkout -b newBranchName
(If you are working on any new bug named branch feature than give branch name feature/ login-feature or you are working on any bug than give branch name bug/login-bug.
This way you can eaisily identify/judge your branch by name.)

After finish your work in your
$ git status (after Changes )
Add changed file into staging
git add . | | $ git add .. (dot) (for feature/bug branch.(in red colored) add file in staging)
Check staging file (in green colored)
$ git status
Add commit message
$ git commit -m Commit message
Checkout your base branch
$ git checkout develop (switch
For latest code (if other guy
$ git pull (for latest develop code)
Checkout your previous feature/to develop) working on it)
bug branch

git pull (for latest develop code)
Checkout your previous feature.
Rebase your branch with develop
git rebase develop
Push your feature/bug branch
git push
(it will suggest command if bug branch or master to remote: its not in remote).
After this open your git platform provider Like github, gitlab, bitbucket whatever you use.
Assign merge request to your other develop to review code, it will increase your productivity and code quality.